Home Learning
Online Learning
We believe that parents and carers must foster their child’s love of learning by regularly listening to their children reading aloud and by checking in with what their children are learning at school on a daily basis.
All children in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) have access to various online learning apps, such as iXL, Lexia Reading and Times Table Rockstars, all of which support your child’s learning at home. Each child is given their own log-in and password to access these apps.
Tapestry is about capturing the magic of a child's early years experiences and recording children's learning in a way that is easy and fun. At Barnsole Primary School we use this online platform to share your child's learning with you at home and for our families to share their child's home activities with the school.
How to log in:
You can access Tapestry by either downloading the app or by using the following web link: https://tapestryjournal.com/
- Open the web page or click on the Tapestry App.
- Enter your pin number
If you are unsure of the pin number, please see contact your child’s teacher through the school office. Equally, if you have to input the email address, please do the same.
How to make an observation:
- Click on the + in the top right corner.
- Use the icons along the bottom to assist you.
- Take a photograph or video straight away.
- Click on ‘children’ tab and tag the children that you are observing.
- Click on ‘notes’ write a title for the observation and write the observation. Be specific and write the WOW moments that you have observed – this must be skills based.
- Click on ‘assessment’ tab. Tag the objectives which match the observation. These are done in months 0-11, 8-20, 16-26, 22 – 36, 30-50, 40-60.
- Once this has completed, save the observation and the class teachers will go through your observations and publish for you.
Here are some of the key thing you can do with it:
- Add single child and group observations.
- Attach photos and videos from your device’s gallery.
- Take photos and videos through the app. If you like, you can set it so these are saved to Tapestry but not to your gallery.
- Add and see clickable links within observations.
- View documents that have been attached to observations.
- Comment on and ‘Like’ observations.
- Receive push notifications.
- View and add observations whilst offline.
We have set up Google Classroom for the children to access their learning if they are learning from home. If you are having difficulties accessing Google Classroom, please contact us at school using the office@barnsoleprimary.medway.sch.uk address.
Whole School Suggestions
- 'Starters for STEM' are ten activities that parents can use at home to help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills. These activities are easy-to-resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world around them and can be accessed by clicking here.
- We use White Rose Maths to supplement our Maths teaching in school and they have released an excellent collection of resources for parents to access at home by clicking here.