definition of a Writer at Barnsole
What does a writer at Barnsole look like at the end of EYFS?
At the end of EYFS, children will have developed their gross and fine motor skills to support their ability to write and use a tool effectively. Children will be secure in the shape and formation of all letters. They will use their phonic knowledge when independently writing their own name, writing simple words and sentences with finger spaces. Children will begin to write confidently through the exposure of creative activities and within real-life contexts.
What does a writer at Barnsole look like at the end of KS1?
At the end of KS1, children will be creative and confident writers who are inspired, writing effectively for a range of purposes and drawing on their reading to support their vocabulary and grammar choices. Children will demarcate their sentences using the essential punctuation required. Children will be confident in segmenting spoken words into phonemes and represent these by graphemes. Additionally, they will make phonetically plausible attempts at new vocabulary. Children will form letters of the correct size and orientation.
What does a writer at Barnsole look like at the end of KS2?
At the end of KS2, children will have developed a love of writing and will be able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively through the written word. They will acquire a wide vocabulary and adapt their style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Children will become writers who can re-read, edit and improve their own writing. They will confidently use the essential skills of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Children will have an understanding of the importance of writing in their future lives.