Academic Year 2024 - 2025
Spring Term (January to February) - Starry Night
In the Starry Night project, your child will explore the differences between the world at night time compared with daytime, through a range of exciting and creative activities. They will find out about nocturnal animals and how they find food when it is dark. They will find out about people who work at night and the different jobs that people do when we are asleep. They will discuss bedtime routines and the importance of a good night’s sleep. They will explore the night sky and find out about the Moon and stars.
Supporting your child at home
- Look at the night sky and see how many stars you can see each night.
- See how the Moon changes shape each night.
- Go on a short walk after dark or go into the garden. Take a torch to light the way. Discuss how things look different in the dark.
- Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.
Starry Night - Vocabulary Word Cards
Starry Night - Home Learning Ideas
Please click below to see the Curriculum Map which gives you an overview of what the children will be learning this year in Nursery.
Nursery Curriculum Map 2024-2025